I’m a PhD candidate in Computer Science at Princeton University, advised by Jonathan Mayer in the Center for Information Technology Policy.
I’ve spent ten years conducting security and technology policy research across academia, industry, and an FFRDC. My current research focus is on measuring the societal impact of technology while preserving individual privacy.
Outside of research, I love to teach and mentor. I’ve taught computing and security basics to students of all ages through CodeCreative, LLCipher, and RPISEC, among other groups. At Princeton, I TA’d COS 448 and COS 217.
In my spare time, I like to bike, play tennis, read science fiction, and make craft cocktails.
PhD in Computer Science, in progress
Princeton University
MS in Computer Science, 2015
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
BS in Computer Science, 2015
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute